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bsp;friendships, fd on terests and build trtful retionships th, i can fd y own support syste
i will go to pursue love i will go to fd true love, understand real eotions th, i can get a deeper understandg of yself&039;&039;s eotional
i will go to ata self-awareness i will understand yself, know y strengths and weaknesses th, i can better anage yself, avoid unnecessary pressure and stress
i will go to seek bance i will fd work-life-eotional bance th, i can live a healthier life
i will go to pursue self-disvery i will get a deeper understandg of y vaes and purpose through this process, i will fd y own answers, and start iplentg y dreas
i will go to fd y own power i will fd y own strengths and weaknesses, understand how i feel eotionally th, i can better anage yself, avoid unnecessary pressure and stress
i will go to establish self-nfidence i will believe yself, know y vaes and purpose th, i can be ore nfident facg life&039;&039;s challenges
i will go to pursue suess i will fd y own goals, understand how to achieve the th, i can get a sense of aoplishnt, and start iplentg y dreas
i will go to ata positive thkg i will thk positively, believe that anythg is possible th, i can be ore proactive facg life&039;&039;s challenges阅读模式加载的章节内容不完整只有一半的内容,请退出阅读模式阅读