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r/> “不好意思,我不懂日语。”看到说日语的年轻女子一脸的惶恐,童乐文用手比划着向她解释。
“Soone wants to kill , please save !(有人想杀我,请救救我!)”说日语的年轻女子改说英语道。
“who is tryg to kill you?(是什么人要杀你?)”童乐文问道。
“It's a bunch of natics, a bunch of dan Ari natics!(是一群疯子,是一群该死的美国疯子!)”改说英语的年轻女子道。
“okay, don't be nervo, I'll save you!(好,别紧张,我救你!)”说着,童乐文将改说英语的年轻女子领到了店的后面,并找了一个安全的地方躲了起来。
“Sir, have you seen a Japanese girl? She is y sister, and she fled the hoe fear becae she was beaten up. y friends and I are lookg for her.(先生,你有没有看到一个日本女孩?她是我妹妹,她因为被人打了所以才害怕的逃出家门,我和我的朋友们正在找她。)”一个头发有些发卷的美国男子道。
“I' sorry, I didn't see any Japanese girls, but you are an Ari, why do you have a Japanese sister?(对不起,我并没有看到什么日本女孩,但你是美国人,为什么你有一个日本妹妹?)”童乐文问道。
“Sir, this Japanese girl is stranded Guangzhou, and I happen to be studyg there, so I took her . ay I go and look for her?(先生,这个日本女孩流落在广州,我正好在广州留学,所以就收留了她。我可以进去找找她吗?)”头发有些发卷的美国男子问道。
“this is very ipolite. you illegally break to soone else's hoe the Uates? And I have already ade it very clear to you that she is not side.(这是非常不礼貌的,难道在你们美国就可以非法闯入别人的房子吗?我已经很清楚地告诉你,她不在里面。)”童乐文不客气的回答道。
“hey brother, don't isuand. I jt wao go and see if she was side, I didn't an to break illegally. perhaps she secretly hid your hoe without your knowledge.(嘿兄弟,别误会,我只是想进去看看她是否在里面,我并没有想要非法闯入的意思,也许在你不知情的情况下她偷偷躲在你的房子里。)”头发有些发卷的美国男子解释道。
“brother, what you said sees to ake sense. how about this, it's not suitable for you to go and fd it becae this hoe belongs to , so I'll go and help you take a look. If she's side, I'll let her out. If she's not side, please leave, okay?(兄弟,你说的似乎有道理。这样吧,你们进去找并不合适,因为这房子是我的,所以还是我进去帮你们看看吧。如果她在里面我会让她出来,如果她不在里面就请你们离开好吗?)”为了能让他们死心,童乐文只好出此下策了。
“okay, that's really troubleso brother!(好的,那真是麻烦兄弟了!)”头发有些发卷的美国男子道。
“do we o kill this ese an?(我们需要杀了这个中国男人吗?)”当他们抓了那个日本阅读模式加载的章节内容不完整只有一半的内容,请退出阅读模式阅读