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nbsp; 《The Mythos of A King》
In a little village of Providence
There wrote a gentleman
Feeling countless wings
From his ghastly dreams
And the mythos star begins
Great Cthulhu, and mighty Azathoth
Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth
In his cosmic tales, horror never fails
It’s the mythos of a king
He was hardly famous and never rich
Unless you count his friends
Or his gothic pens
Has inspired me
And his mission still extends
Miskatonic, and Necronomicon
Great Cthulhu, and his spawn
In his cosmic tales, horror never fails
It’s the mythos of a king
Haunted Arkham, with all its many ghouls
Horrible deep ones, and helpless humanfools
In his cosmic tales, horror never fails
It’s the mythos of a king